Draupnir Saddlery is of the highest quality, handmade by Poland's most famous saddlers. Draupnir products are designed by Tonje Lund Ness who is a vet, acupuncturist, and osteopath, by John Ragnvald Ness, who has been riding Icelandic horses for years, and by multiple World Champion, Stian Pedersen.
We aim to produce elegant, durable and functional equipment for Icelandic horses. We visit the saddlers in Poland ourselves, several times a year, to ensure that the quality of our products is the best.
In 2005 we designed and produced a special saddle tree which we have patented. This saddle tree allows the rider very close contact with the horse, while retaining the stability given by a normal saddle. You have to give it a go!
Draupnir saddlery is constantly developing, trying new things and improving existing products. Stian Pedersen is the chief tester and developer. Other well-known international riders also test products and give us advice.
Contact us if you have any queries or if you wish to find out more about our products, or to place orders. We are in the process of building an internet shop on this website, where you can order our products. www.draupnir.no