Vi på Stall SP har gleden av å kunne tilby:
Gården der Stall SP ligger heter Jakobsgården. Stall SP drives av fler dobbelt nordisk- og verdens mester Stian Pedersen og Agnes H. Helgadottir.
Stallene inneholder 38 bokser, hestedusj, forrom, vaskerom, toalett, og stort oppsalingsområde.
Ridehallen har effektivt rideområde på 19x35,5m. Gang fra stallen til personaldel langs langsiden med litt tribuneplass. Personaldelen er 130 m2 med sanitær, kjøkkenkrok, stort undervisningsrom og kontor.
Ute på baneanlegget har vi ovalbane på 225m, passbane på 200m og dressurbane på 20x50m. I tillegg har vi en skrittemaskin/treningsmaskin på 20 meter i diameter, der selve maskinen henger i taket slik at det ledige arealet i midten nyttes som ringpaddock. Dette vil løfte mulighetene, kapasiteten og kvaliteten på opplegget rundt hestene som står her!
Alle prisene for oppstalling, temming og trening blir justert nå september 2022, grunnet økte utgifter og prisvekt i flere sektorer ;)
Hester til salgs:
Vi har hester tilsalgs for alle på alle nivå, vi kan selge alt fra føll til mer ferdigutviklede hester, avlshopper og hingster kan også være for salg.
Vi har lang erfaring med taksering av pris på hester og mener vi er flinke til å sette riktig pris, noen ganger kan prisene være diskutable. Vi har til enhver tid hester for salg til alle prisvariasjoner fra de billigste på markedet til de dyreste på markedet.
Hingster til bedekningstjeneste:
Vi har hver sesong flere hingster i vår bedekningstjeneste, alltid noen for enhver hoppe.
Priser for hver enkelt hingst vil dere finne under menyen hingster.
Oppstalling inkluderer grovfôr, opptil 1kg vanlig kraftfôr, strø og lufting på lik linje med alle andre hester på stallen. Spesielle fôr ønsker kan ordnes på hesteeiers bekostning.
Pris for oppstalling fra 1.september 2022:
4500 nok + mva
Temmingen her hos oss tar utgangspunkt i et samarbeide med hesten. Hester er flokkdyr og derfor er det viktig at hesten allerede fra starten av samarbeidet, ser oss som lederen. De første dager av temmingen er de viktigste fordi det er her vi får hesten til at velge oss som leder gjennom øvelser i rundpedock hvor vi bruker kropsspråk med press og ettergift til å få hesten til at komme til oss og velge oss som den naturlige leder. I hele prosessen handler det om å få hesten til å samarbeide med oss og gi den de rette utveier så samarbeidet blir en suksess, og at hesten blir sikker for rytteren å ri. Det avhenger av hvor lang tid hesten står hos oss, og hvordan hver enkelt hest tar temmingen hvordan resultaten blir, slik er det bare.
Pris for temming fra 1. september 2022:
Hingster: 9000 nok + mva
Hopper/vallakker: 8500 nok + mva
Vi tar også hester i gangartstrening hva enten det er gangsetning eller generell trening av hesten. Løsningene blir tilpasset den enkelte hest for å oppnå det beste resultat. Det er muligt å variere lengden på oppholdet hele året. Vi gjør hva vi kan for at din hest skal få de beste forutsetninger for det beste resultat og den korrekte trening. Som kunde hos oss kan vi garantere en ærlig og oppriktig vurdering af hesten samt de mål og forventninger du måtte ha til hesten.
Priser trening fra 1.september 2022:
Hingster: 9000 nok + mva
Hopper/vallak: 8500 nok + mva
Hester til kåring:
Tenker du å vise din hoppe eller hingst så tilbyr vi professjonel kåringstrening og visning av hesten din. Treningsforløpet avtales seperat for den enkelte hest og som udgangspunkt vil vi etter en måneds trening vurdere om hesten vil kunne gjøre det bra på en eventuell visning. Lengden av treningsforløpet opp til en visning kan variere fra hest til hest alt etter hvor hesten er i utgangspunktet.
Priser på kåringstrening samt visning fra 1.september 2022 :
Hingster: 9000 nok + mva
Hopper/vallak: 8500 nok + mva
Visningsgebyr 5000 nok + mva
Generelle betingelser for alle hester oppstallet på StallSP:
Oppholdet hos Stall SP i forbindelse med trening skjer på hesteeiers ansvar og risiko.
Det skrives treningskontrakt ved inngåelse av avtale om trening.
Skal hesten skos under oppholdet, ha makkekur eller ordnet tenner vil dette faktureres ut over prisen på trening. Vi har et velfungerende og proffessjonelt team av veterinærer, hovslagere og lignende som vi samarbeider med om dette.
Normal bruk av alle fasiliteter på StallSP er inkludert i prisene, det er dager/timer med andre arrangement, der noen av fasilitetene er opptatt.
Stian Pedersen tilbyr undervisning og kurser for ryttere på alle niveåer. Stian tar utgangspunkt i den enkelte ekvipasje og dennes mål med treningen. Vi har flere forskjellige løsninger som kan tilpasses den enkelte kunde.
Vi har dessuten kurser her på stedet – Next Level kursene. Les mere om våre kurs på egne sider under Kurs.
Ønsker du å booke undervisning eller kurs med Stian - ta gjerne kontakt med oss på mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. eller ring på tlf: 0047 91189869 og hør mer om priser og muligheter.
Movie from
Stall SP Jakobsgarden
We at Stall SP is pleased to offer
Here at Stall SP we offer initial training, gait training, and preparation and presentation of Icelandic horses at breeding assessments. Stall SP is a state of the art fitness and training facility for the Icelandic horse. We rate quality and good service very highly and do our best to ensure that both you and your horse will get the best experience.
Stabling includes forage, up to 1kg normal concentrates, bedding and turn-out on a par with all the other horses in the stable. Special feed requests can be arranged on the horse owner's expense.
Price for stabling 4500 NOK + VAT per month
Initial Training:
Starting horses at Stall SP relies on a partnership with the horse. Horses are herd animals and therefore it is important that the horse see us as the leader from the very beginning of their work with us. The first days of initial training are the most important because this is when we get the horse to choose us as a leader by using light exercises in the round pen, where we use body language to apply and release pressure to get the horse to come to us and choose us as the natural leader. The aim is to get the horse to cooperate with us so that the horse is safe to ride. Depending on how long the horse is with us, he learns stopping and starting, moving the shoulder and hindquarters away from pressure both from the ground and with a rider on his back. Focus is on ensuring that the horse is thinking forward, is easy to stop and is responsive to the rider's aids. We introduce the bit while loose lungeing and the first few times we ride the horse we use a bit with a western halter.
Price for starting horse:
Stallion : 9000 NOK + VAT per month
Mare / Gelding : 8500 NOK + VAT per month
Further Training:
We also take horses for gait training whether it is teaching the gaits or improving general fitness of the horse. Programmes are tailored to the individual horse to achieve the best result. It is possible to vary the length of stay throughout the year. We do what we can to ensure that your horse will get the best conditions for the best result and the correct training. As our customer, we guarantee an honest and sincere assessment of the horse as well as the goals and expectations you may have of the horse.
Price for Further Training:
Stallion : 9000 NOK + VAT per month
Mare / Gelding : 8500 NOK + VAT per month
Breeding Assessments:
If you are thinking about showing your mare or stallion we offer a professional training and presentation service. The training plan is arranged individually for each horse. After a month of training, we will advise whether the horse will be able to do well at the Breeding Assessment. The length of training period up to a Breeding Assessment will vary from horse to horse.
Price for preparation and presentation at the Breeding Assessment:
Stallion : 9000 NOK + VAT per month
Mare / Gelding : 8500 NOK + VAT per month
Presentation fee 5000 NOK + VAT
This covers any costs in connection with the Breeding Assessment.
All livery and training at Stall SP takes place at the owner's risk. We require owners to sign our training contract.
If the horse needs shoeing, worming, or dental treatment during its stay, the costs will be added to the price of training. We have a well-functioning and professional team of veterinarians, farriers, etc. that we work with.
We offer lessons and courses with Stian Pedersen for riders of all abilities. Stian focuses on the individual horse and rider, and their training goals. We have several different programmes that can be tailored to the individual customer .
We also have courses here on site in the Spring Autumn - Next Level courses. Read more about these under Courses .
If you want to book lessons or courses with Stian, please feel free to contact us by mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call tel : 0047 452 80 290 to hear more about pricing and options.
Draupnir Smart
Draupnir Smart
Draupnir 2010
Draupnir 2010 modellen er den nyeste model av Draupnir salen.
Salbommen er grunnstammen i en sal. Fasongen og konstruksjonen av bommen danner grunnlaget for en god sal. Islandshesten er ikke en forminsket stor hest og formen på ryggen til en islandshest er ofte ulik andre rideheste typer. Derfor har vi i utviklingen av Draupnir bommen manuelt laget modeller utfra ulike islandshester, og dette har ført til at vi nu kan tilby en sal hvor bommen er tilpasset spesielt til islandshestens rygg.
Helt siden den første Draupnir flexi sal ble laget har vi leit etter et bedre material for å gjøre bommen sterk og spenstig. Etter mye leting i flere bedrifter og flere land fant vi til slutt en bedrift i nærheten av Kongsberg som kunne hjelpe oss. Med Epoxy, spesial fiberduk og teknologi som blir nytte i produksjon av deler til helikopter og jagerfly har vi nå et unikt material til framstilling av bommene. Materialet er sterkt og forholdsvis lett. Kan lages stivt og fast, men også bøyelig og spenstig. Vår ”flexbom” har torsjon i sidebevegelser, men er ganske fast i lengdebevegelse og er svært sterk med god spenst og bevegelighet. Det er også litt spenst i fastbommen, men ikke mye. Styrken og materialtretthet er teste ved teknologisk institutt ved Kongsberg våpenfabrikk med godkjent test-resultat. Alle bommene blir laga av samme material. Ulike mengder duk og ulike produksjonsprosesser gir ulike egenskaper.
Normalbom (fastbom)
En stiv bom med litt svikt.Fordeler vekten av rytteren over hele bæreflaten og er velegnet både til tur/fritidsridning og trening/konkurranseridning.
Torsjonsbom (flexbom)
Torsjonsbommen har et mykt og spenstig midtparti. Dette gir bommen god torsjonsbevegelse i sidebevegelse og mindre bevegelig i lengderetning.Det er derfor mer riktig å benevne denne typen salbom for bom med torsjon enn flexbom. Forsvissel og baksvissel er stiv som på normalbommen. Dette gjør at salen sitter normalt på manken til hesten og at rytteren får god støtte i salen. Torsjonsbevegelsen gir god frihet for hestens rygg- og bakbeinsbevegelser. Rytteren har god kommunikasjon med hesten gjennom setet. Rytteren kjenner rygg- og bakbeinsbevegelsene bedre enn i en normalbom-sal og kan lettere gi presise signaler til hesten med setet. Når bevegelsene og/eller presset opphører går bommen umiddelbart tilbake til utgangsposisjonen. En fantastisk konkurranse/treningssal.
Da alle heste ikke er like har vi forskjellige bredder, vinkler og lengder på vår saler. Dersom en hest har smal rygg er den som regel smal i hele ryggens lengde og på samme måte er det med en hest med bred rygg.Det vil derfor ofte ikke være nok å kun utvide bommen i framsvisselen. Vidden må forandres i hele bommens lengde.
Salene blir levert i lengdene: 16,5- kort hest, kort, liten rytter 17.0- kort til middels lang hest, liten til middels stor rytter.
17,5- middels til lang hest, middels rytter
18.0- middels til lang hest, lang og store ryttere.
Salene blir levert i breddene/vinklene:
M (medium) Middels til smale hester ofte hingster.
L (large) Middels til litt brede hester
XL (ekstra large) Brede hester ofte hopper og vallaker.
Ekstra bredt kammer
Noe heste er bred over ryggspinna og manke, uten nødvendigvis å skulle ha den bredeste bommen. Derfor har vi gjort det mulig å få de vanlige bom vidder men med ekstra bred sal kanal.
MXL For hester med bred ryggspinna og bred manke, men smal
LXL Lik i bredde som L salen men med ekstra bred ryggkanal.
XLXL Passer til hester med bred manke og bred rygg, nærmest flat over bolen.
Draupnir salen fåes med både enkeltkappe (modell SP) og dobbelkappe (modell JS)
Contact Us
Stall SP
c/o Stian Pedersen og Agnes H. Helgadottir
6387 Vågstranda
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office open: Monday- Tuesday - Thursday - friday: Opening Hours 0830-0930
Phone: 0047 911 89 869
Stian (direct) Sometimes I cannot answer, please leave a message or send an email :)
Phone: 0047 911 89 869
mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Agnes (direct)
Phone: 0047 958 13 408
mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our Services
Here at Stall SP we offer initial training, gait training, and preparation and presentation of Icelandic horses at breeding assessments. Stall SP is a state of the art fitness and training facility for the Icelandic horse. We rate quality and good service very highly and do our best to ensure that both you and your horse will get the best experience.
Stabling includes forage, up to 1kg normal concentrates, bedding and turn-out on a par with all the other horses in the stable. Special feed requests can be arranged on the horse owner's expense.
Price for stabling 2500 NOK + VAT per month
Initial Training:
Starting horses at Stall SP relies on a partnership with the horse. Horses are herd animals and therefore it is important that the horse see us as the leader from the very beginning of their work with us. The first days of initial training are the most important because this is when we get the horse to choose us as a leader by using light exercises in the round pen, where we use body language to apply and release pressure to get the horse to come to us and choose us as the natural leader. The aim is to get the horse to cooperate with us so that the horse is safe to ride. Depending on how long the horse is with us, he learns stopping and starting, moving the shoulder and hindquarters away from pressure both from the ground and with a rider on his back. Focus is on ensuring that the horse is thinking forward, is easy to stop and is responsive to the rider's aids. We introduce the bit while loose lungeing and the first few times we ride the horse we use a bit with a western halter.
Price for starting horse:
Stallion : 6500 NOK + VAT per month
Mare / Gelding : 6500 NOK + VAT per month
Further Training:
We also take horses for gait training whether it is teaching the gaits or improving general fitness of the horse. Programmes are tailored to the individual horse to achieve the best result. It is possible to vary the length of stay throughout the year. We do what we can to ensure that your horse will get the best conditions for the best result and the correct training. As our customer, we guarantee an honest and sincere assessment of the horse as well as the goals and expectations you may have of the horse.
Price for Further Training:
Stallion : 6500 NOK + VAT per month
Mare / Gelding : 6500 NOK + VAT per month
Breeding Assessments:
If you are thinking about showing your mare or stallion we offer a professional training and presentation service. The training plan is arranged individually for each horse. After a month of training, we will advise whether the horse will be able to do well at the Breeding Assessment. The length of training period up to a Breeding Assessment will vary from horse to horse.
Price for preparation and presentation at the Breeding Assessment:
Stallion : 6500 NOK + VAT per month
Mare / Gelding : 6500 NOK + VAT per month
Presentation fee 3500 NOK + VAT
This covers any costs in connection with the Breeding Assessment.
All livery and training at Stall SP takes place at the owner's risk. We require owners to sign our training contract.
If the horse needs shoeing, worming, or dental treatment during its stay, the costs will be added to the price of training. We have a well-functioning and professional team of veterinarians, farriers, etc. that we work with.
We offer lessons and courses with Stian Pedersen for riders of all abilities. Stian focuses on the individual horse and rider, and their training goals. We have several different programmes that can be tailored to the individual customer .
We also have courses here on site in the Spring Autumn - Next Level courses. Read more about these under Courses .
If you want to book lessons or courses with Stian, please feel free to contact us by mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view or call tel : 0047 452 80 290 to hear more about pricing and options.
List fra Jakobsgården
List fra Jakobsgården
Nelly fra Jakobsgården
Nelly fra Jakobsgården
Ninja fra Jakobsgården
Ninja fra Jakobsgården
Jörp fra Rørvik
Jörp fra Rørvik
Mars fra Jakobsgården
Mars fra Jakobagården
Three 1st prize stalions stand at stud at StallSP in 2012.
Globus fra Jakobsgården - Top 4-gaited stallion by Jarl frá Miðkrika and out of Frigg frá Flugumýri. Globus has a Breeding assessment mark of 8.48 in total and has the highest mark for conformation ever awarded to a Norwegian bred stallion - 8.72! Globus has participated as a breeding horse at the World Championships in 2011 and was Nordic Champion in 4 gait in 2012.
Léttir fra Hellesylt - best Norwegian bred stallion of the year in 2011, participated for Norway in the World Chsmpionships in 2011 where he was placed in the B-final. A 5-gaiter with extremely extravagent movements in all gaits, and with a good and co-operative temperament.
Nói fra Jakobsgården - A talented 5-gaited stallion who got 8.14 at his first breeding assessment when aged only 4 years old! By Trúr frá Audholtshjáleigu and out of Frigg frá Flugumýri (mother of Globus fra Jakobsgården). Was awarded the prize for Best Norwegian bred Stallion of the year in 2012.
Breeding mares
Stall SP breeds around four to six foals per year. We have seven broodmares and three breeding stallions, all from extremely good bloodlines. Our breeding goal is to breed top competition and breeding horses with plenty of expression and presence, and with gaits full of potential. We are a relatively young stud, but by using good mares and strong breeding stallions we have had considerable success with our homeöbred horses right from the beginning.
We are expecting six foals in 2013.
Isak´s mare, Lisa, a daughter of Jarl frá Miðkrika, is expecting a foal by our own homeöbred stallion Nói fra Jakobsgården. Trú fra Jakobsgården is expecting a foal by Trúr frá Auðholtshjáleigu. Our top broodmare Fluga fra Flugumyri was served by Baugur frá Viðinesi. Aska fra Stall Kjersem was served by Léttir fra Hellesylt. Þordís frá Ytri-Bægisá is also expecting a foal by Nói fra Jakobsgården as does our top broodmare Aradís fra Jakobsgården.
Draupnir Saddlery is of the highest quality, handmade by Poland's most famous saddlers. Draupnir products are designed by Tonje Lund Ness who is a vet, acupuncturist, and osteopath, by John Ragnvald Ness, who has been riding Icelandic horses for years, and by multiple World Champion, Stian Pedersen.
We aim to produce elegant, durable and functional equipment for Icelandic horses. We visit the saddlers in Poland ourselves, several times a year, to ensure that the quality of our products is the best.
In 2005 we designed and produced a special saddle tree which we have patented. This saddle tree allows the rider very close contact with the horse, while retaining the stability given by a normal saddle. You have to give it a go!
Draupnir saddlery is constantly developing, trying new things and improving existing products. Stian Pedersen is the chief tester and developer. Other well-known international riders also test products and give us advice.
Contact us if you have any queries or if you wish to find out more about our products, or to place orders. We are in the process of building an internet shop on this website, where you can order our products.
Other Courses
Previous courses 2012
Starting young horses with Iben Andersen
3.november - 11.november 2012
Stall SPnow offers an intensive basic training course with the Danish trainer, Iben Andersen. Iben has worked with horses for many years and has gained a huge amount of knowledge in Australia, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Norway, Iceland and Denmark. The course is run as two weekend courses with 5 days training between the two weekends, 3.november – 11.november 2012.
Iben has developed her own system for working with an untrained ´raw´horse, by learning from methods used around the world and combining them with some of the most significant training methods used today. The central premiss of her method relies on building trust between the horse and rider, and getting the horse to work in partnership with the rider. In addition to this it is important that the horse is sensitive to the basic aids, without wanting to run away from them. Our aim is for the horse to do what we ask it because it wishes to, and not because we force it to do it! This means some horses will need to be sensitised, while others will need to be de-sensitised.
Find out more about Iben and her training methods at
The course
Max 10 participants
This course runs over 9 days. Two weekends where horse and rider are taught by Iben to work together using her method, and then 5 days between the two weekends where Iben herself trains intensively with the horse.
This course is primarily aimed at an untrained horse, but could also be suitable for horses which have had a bad start to their career as a riding horse,and maybe need starting all over again. If any participants wish to train their own horse during the 5 days between the two weekends it is also possible to book only the two weekend courses as an alternative package. In this case, horse and rider will be trained by Iben during the first weekend in her methods, after which the rider trains the horse on their own for 5 days. The second weekend is then used for follow up and development of Iben´s training methods.
Training package 1:
Price for 9 days intensive training course: Kr. 8000
(Price includes 9 days stabling for the horse, two training weekends for the rider incl. lunch, and 5 days training
Training package 2:
Price for 4 days intensive training course Kr. 4500
(Price includes two training weekends, stabling for horse and lunch for the rider)
Each new exercise will be introduced to the horse by Iben first of all. Afterwards the rider will be guided through the exercises together with the horse. This reduces the risk of insecurities in horse and rider, and ensures a more thorough process which will give the horse the best chance of success.
Spectating participant.
Spectators are also welcome to call in during the weekend courses and to follow the work with the horses. Spectator fees are as follows:
First weekend (saturday-sunday): kr. 1200
Both weekends (2 saturdays + 2 sundays): Kr. 2000
If you only wish to attend the first weekend it is important to attend both days since most horses make most progress on day 1 and day 2.
Application deadline: 20.10.12
Payment deadline: 24.10.12
Account number: 3910 19 37813
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Mob 911 89 869
Welcome to some exciting days at Stall SP!
About Us
Stian Pedersen
Stian began to compete at the age of 9 years old, and since that time has been at the top of the rankings, both nationally and internationally. He has won many medals, and his greatest successes have been at the World Championships for Icelandic Horses - 5 gold, 5 silver, a bronze and 2 fifth places! Four of the gold medals were won on Jarl frá Miðkrika, and the fifth on Tindur frá Varmalæk. Stian is the first rider ever to have won fourgait (V1), fivegait (F1) and tölt (T1) titles at World Championship level. In 2012 he also won the Nordic Champion title in V1, as well as a silver medal in T1 on the homebred stallion Globus fra Jakobsgården.
In 1995 he went to Hólar (Agricultural University of Iceland) and completed a one year course in Equine Studies. He trained with the famous Icelandic rider Sigurbjörn Bárðarson at Oddhóli, for the practical module of the course, before returning to Norway where he continued with his Equestrian studies, and qualified as a RIK stage III riding instructor.
Best results:
2003 World Championships Denmark - silver V1 on Jarl frá Miðkrika
2005 World Championships Sweden - silver V1 and T1 on Jarl frá Miðkrika
2007 World Championships Netherlands - gold V1, gold T1, gold 4-gait combination on Jarl frá Miðkrika
2009 World Championships Switzerland - gold F1 on Tindur fra Varmalæk
2012 Nordic Championships Sweden - gold V1, silver T1 on Globus fra Jakobsgården
Agnes Helga Helgadottir
Agnes developed an interest in horses at a young age. She worked for Kari and Siggi at Gullberastaðir, in Iceland, where she got to ride and learn a lot about Icelandic horses. After that she also went to Hólar University and this is where she and Stian met. A year later they both moved back to Norway. Agnes has done the same courses as Stian and is also a RIK III riding instructor.
Agnes has also participated in many championships and has had many good results. 9 gold medals at Norwegian Championships, and a silver at the Nordic Championships, as well as many final places. The most successful was at the Norwegian Championships in 2008 where she took gold in V1, T1, and 4gait combination on Glódís fra Toven. The homebred mare, Gná fra Jakobsgården, has also had many good results with Agnes in the saddle, with gold in V1 at the Norwegian Championships in 2010, and a fifth place in V1 at the Nordic Championships in the same year. In 2011 Agnes and Gna qualified to represent Norway at the World Championships in Austria, where they successfully made a good B-final position in the V1. Agnes has not worked fulltime with horses in more recent years, partly due to other work commitments, but continues to compete successfully on Sigur fra Jakobsgården.