Next Level Cours

Globus NM 2012 sndag-014

Stian and Bent Rune are inviting you to autumnseminar and inspire you to get ready for next step :) 

NextLevel courses are held three times in the autumn, as well as two to three times in the spring. The second autumn course is the annual seminar where previous participants are invited to a weekend with guest instructors, and three days of exciting tuition. You can read more about the course structure below.

Dates for Next Level courses autumn/spring 2014/2015:


20.-21. september 2014 Start of the season Next Level StallSP
16.-19. october 2014 Autumn seminar with Bent Rune Skulevold
15.-16. november 2014 Next Level StallSP
13.-14. december 2014 Next Level StallSP


Dates for the spring 2015 will be near to christmas :)

All NextLevel courses:


Course fee 2000 NOK (includes lunch, tea/coffee and nibbles for while you watch)

stabling 150 NOK per night

accommodation 300 - 400 NOK per night

If you require stabling for your horse or overnight accommodation for yourself, please state this clearly on the application form. We look forward to seeing you at some exciting days at Stall SP

Price for Autumn seminar with full programme:
Riding participant: 2500,- incl lunch and coffee
Spectating participant: 1250,-incl lunch and coffee
Other prices the same as on other courses.

Overnight accomodation
Overnight accomodation can be organised where required. Please make accommodation requests on your course appkication!

Let us know on your course application if you require stabling.

Deadline for applications : 10 days before each course
Deadline for payment:  5 days before each course
Account number: 3910 19 37813
Agnes H Helgadottir tlf 958 13 408 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Other queries to Stian Pedersen 911 89 869

Welcome to some exciting days at Stall SP!


NEXT LEVEL RIDER TRAINING PROGRAMME. Stian Pedersen and Bent Rune Skulevold 

Welcome to our Academy.

We would like to invite you to participate in a pilot project for a new type of training programme suitable for riders at all levels.

The background to the programme is that we have seen there is a requirement for a more regular training system with more basic and detailed training within a clear framework.

Our aim is that by working through this regular training system each individual rider can reach the next rung of the ladder without being distracted by other philosophies.

During the past few years we have devised a common philosophy on riding and instruction, and have started up with a few chosen groups which will function as a pilot project for our rider training system. To start with the course system will be run in its entirety in Denmark and Norway.

This new training system is suitable for riders of all abilities, provided that they are open minded, believe in the system and are determined to succeed. If you are interested in finding out more about our training systrm, or if you wish to apply to participate, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Stian Pedersen and Bent Rune Skulevold work together on the Next Level clinics, rider training and instructor training programmes.

Stian Pedersen, multiple World Champion, professional instructor and horse trainer (and last, but not least, smallholder), was team trainer for the Norwegian team at the Nordic Championships in 2008.

Bent Rune Skulevold: trained to be a riding instructor in Sweden and in England, and is teacher for instructor training in Denmark and Norway, previously team trainer, and is a judge at Icelandic Breeding shows, sport competitions and Gædingakeppni. 

Queries regarding courses should preferably be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.