Aradis fra Jakobsgården has received Honorary Prize for offsprings!
Changes to course dates
Hi! to all you NextLevel participants and to you others who are interested in it. I'm afraid I need to make a few changes to the course dates.
NEW DATE! Iben Andersen 23.nov-1.Dec
NEW DATE, as many of you feel that this course was originally planned for too early in the Autumn :)
This year StallSP is offering, once again, an international level course for starting young horses. On this course you will get your horse started off at the same time as participating on the course and learning the methods used on the first and second weekends. We would like to emphasise that this course is open to all breeds of horse. Iben works in the Netherlands, with the initial training of big, part-bred horses, and Grand Prix talents on a daily basis!!
Stall SP Course Dates 2013/2014
Next Level course dates are up! :)
NEW DEADLINE Summer Cup Final 24.august
New deadline for entries! StallSP and Åsvin Islandshester invite you to the final stage of the Summer Cup 013.